03 March 2019

Error setting up Plume

Currently getting

    thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: BadType("production.secret_key", "a 256-bit base64 encoded string", "string", None)', src/libcore/result.rs:1009:5
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

on launch

Fixed, it was an error with the ROCKET_SECRET_KEY

Customized CSS

Currently I have a fork of plume running with a separate branch called mod_css on github. This is where I'm keeping my modified version of plume.

Issues with curl?

I've been having some issues with zypper hitting a segmentation fault during the download stage of the distribution upgrade.

I have also been having issues with NetworkManager consuming 100% of my cpu when running on wifi.

By downgrading curl from version 7.64.0-4.1 to version 7.64.0-1.1 by running

sudo zypper install --oldpackage curl-7.64.0-1.1

This appears to have fixed the network manager issue. I also added a lock on curl since it continues to want update curl to this latest broken version.

This definitely seems to have resolved the issue with zypper as well. I just did a distribution upgrade with 450 packages and didn't run into a segmentation fault a single time. I would have had about 20 segfaults before.