SVM Sadness

MSE: 0.6640974977269949

Mean Absolute Error 0.6386105570026086

R2: 0.2573374283476926
Pearson correlation: (0.5643611440598052, 2.75759376237e-312)
0 values were squeezed into the score range
0 values were squeezed into the score range
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           1  0.14285714 0.00684932 0.01307190       146
           2  0.42553191 0.30441400 0.35492458       657
           3  0.43119266 0.53064516 0.47577730      1240
           4  0.48706625 0.59521974 0.53573907      1297
           5  0.41176471 0.14583333 0.21538462       384

    accuracy                      0.45300752      3724
   macro avg  0.37968253 0.31659231 0.31897949      3724
weighted avg  0.43634615 0.45300752 0.43034883      3724

[[  1  56  73  16   0]
 [  5 200 365  86   1]
 [  1 162 658 414   5]
 [  0  45 406 772  74]
 [  0   7  24 297  56]]

ROC - AUC : 0.578488077944395