Lasso Sadness

SE: 0.9307384965022848

Mean Absolute Error 0.7960851914177507

R2: -0.04084814009093862
Pearson correlation: (0.23080343775556006, 3.2202046350021302e-46)
20 values were squeezed into the score range
0 values were squeezed into the score range
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           1  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000       146
           2  0.06217617 0.01826484 0.02823529       657
           3  0.33868243 0.64677419 0.44456763      1240
           4  0.46069470 0.38858905 0.42158093      1297
           5  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000       384

    accuracy                      0.35392052      3724
   macro avg  0.17231066 0.21072562 0.17887677      3724
weighted avg  0.28419360 0.35392052 0.29984020      3724

[[  0   2 125  19   0]
 [  1  12 551  92   1]
 [  3 136 802 281  18]
 [  1  41 706 504  45]
 [  0   2 184 198   0]]

ROC - AUC : 0.5100520397496775