MSE: 0.6431352807865082

Mean Absolute Error 0.6158711064947314

R2: 0.2920088534366445
Pearson correlation: (0.5917811508024919, 0.0)
0 values were squeezed into the score range
0 values were squeezed into the score range
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           1  0.38461538 0.06944444 0.11764706       288
           2  0.47463360 0.47678369 0.47570621       883
           3  0.49695122 0.62837317 0.55498808      1297
           4  0.52855760 0.54059406 0.53450808      1010
           5  0.37142857 0.07692308 0.12745098       169

    accuracy                      0.49766932      3647
   macro avg  0.45123727 0.35842369 0.36206008      3647
weighted avg  0.48561312 0.49766932 0.47577265      3647

[[ 20 172  80  16   0]
 [ 25 421 346  91   0]
 [  6 229 815 246   1]
 [  1  62 380 546  21]
 [  0   3  19 134  13]]

ROC - AUC : 0.6071926695107926