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Weekly research goals
Happiness narratives
Irony/Sarcasm detection
This is my web parser written in julia using the genie framework
Luyia tagging project
Malicious language detection
Swahili Dependency Treebank Creation
This describes my thesis research and related research surrounding the creation of a universal de...
Swahili Vocab
Speech Recognition
Reading Notes
Recently Updated Pages
Implementation log
How does the existing implementation in supar use the buckets of lengths? Does this logic live in...
Experiment list
I have 174 sentences and 3467 tokens annotated, filtered and checked. Because of how supar does ...
Desktop shutting down on its own
Currently my desktop is shutting down when I run the tests I've written for supar. It's crashing...
On the issue of clitic vs morpheme
Sandra suggests contacting Dr. Botne to ask about whether the pre-verbal markers in Bantu languag...
New Page
{ "dataset_reader": { "type": "transformer_squad", "length_limit": 512, ...
Get my EGPU to work on opensuse tumbleweed with a framework 12th gen laptop
With the laptop on, plug it in to the usbc cable load into a terminal and load the nvidia modul...
SWH in UD questions
should a derived noun like waliokusanyika be a Vnoun? should statives be what is kuna/hakuna? i...
Things to go back and fix in manually annotated corpora
check that iobj is used correctly. E.g. check that verbs which could have iobj but weren't marke...
Meeting with Sandra 1/6/2022
Explain things more thoroughly, you have as much space as you need. Write the thesis for an intel...
Cluster Buster plan
Goal: migrate from a cluster of commodity cast off office servers to a larger, more reliable serv...
Swahili transformer model bake off
pretrained swahili transformer, lr=0.0001, pos tagging 2022-06-11 17:40:51,753 - INFO - allennlp...
Comparison benchmarks
Using this script Single NVME Testgroup "current" === 1 file series === 1 file, 1 thread,...
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