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270 total results found
Meeting with Sandra 1-28-2020
Sandra wants to work on getting baselines running for all the languages we're examining Still r...
Hai Hu 02-19-2020
Building a natural language inference dataset in Chinese What is NLI? when you have to determin...
March 2020
March 4 2020 Trying to get tesla m40 into z620 UEFI is required!! I converted the z620 machine...
Job talk Monica Nesbit
Lansing speech corpus: 106 interviews Sociolinguistic interviews conducted every 2 years Exa...
Tests I need
data constructors verify that the metatrainer constructor is being initialized correctly data s...
February 2020 Infiniband notes I...
Status tracker
2-21-2020: Finished a bunch of updates to the outer loop of maml to make it better reflect the d...
Zeeshan 02-19-2020
Internship at Amazon and forthcoming thesis What is transfer learning? Transfer learning is a ...
Done Switch optimizer over to the ifltered optimizer. todo determine if self.model needs to be m...
Two way IG feature selection
We're doing feature selection with two way IG like I did with mutual information for constructing...
Optimizer filter notes
The DAML implementation uses this filter when constructing the optimizer Adam(lr = self.meta_lr, ...
Swahili Syntax (Anthony Vitale, 1981)
Grammatical Sketch Very brief grammatical sketch, strong focus on syntax which is nice to see si...
DAML walkthrough
The main point of interest is train_maml in prev_min_loss gets set to a high value on ...
Statistical Significance
9-20-2018 Working on doing the corpus combinations with the two different sets of data (Wanga...
Results BERT base allennlp
2019-10-22 00:15:51,049 - INFO - allennlp.models.archival - archiving weights and vocabulary to /...
April 20-2019
LDA in sklearn running over words only (unigrams). Cutoff of 3 2 topics pick number of top word...
March 22-2019
absolute 2 way ig is not working well. The negative class always has higher absolute values. Sho...
Repo cleanup notes
The BertRegressor model is now called "general_regressor" Doesn't seem that transition away from...