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270 total results found

Meeting with Sandra 1-28-2020

Malicious language detection Meeting notes

Sandra wants to work on getting baselines running for all the languages we're examining Still r...

Hai Hu 02-19-2020

Reading Notes CLINGDINGS

Building a natural language inference dataset in Chinese What is NLI? when you have to determin...


Infrastructure log Planning

March 2020

Infrastructure log 2020

March 4 2020 Trying to get tesla m40 into z620 UEFI is required!! I converted the z620 machine...

Job talk Monica Nesbit

Reading Notes Professionalization workshop

Lansing speech corpus: 106 interviews Sociolinguistic interviews conducted every 2 years Exa...

Tests I need

Metalearning Testing

data constructors verify that the metatrainer constructor is being initialized correctly data s...

February 2020

Infrastructure log 2020 Infiniband notes I...

Status tracker

Metalearning Integration of DAML

2-21-2020: Finished a bunch of updates to the outer loop of maml to make it better reflect the d...

Zeeshan 02-19-2020

Reading Notes CLINGDINGS

Internship at Amazon and forthcoming thesis What is transfer learning? Transfer learning is a ...


Metalearning Integration of DAML

Done Switch optimizer over to the ifltered optimizer. todo determine if self.model needs to be m...

Two way IG feature selection

Malicious language detection Information gain

We're doing feature selection with two way IG like I did with mutual information for constructing...

Optimizer filter notes

Metalearning Integration of DAML

The DAML implementation uses this filter when constructing the optimizer Adam(lr = self.meta_lr, ...

Swahili Syntax (Anthony Vitale, 1981)

Reading Notes Swahili Syntax

Grammatical Sketch Very brief grammatical sketch, strong focus on syntax which is nice to see si...


Metalearning Integration of multi-task code in allennlp

DAML walkthrough

Metalearning Integration of DAML

The main point of interest is train_maml in prev_min_loss gets set to a high value on ...

Statistical Significance

Luyia tagging project

9-20-2018 Working on doing the corpus combinations with the two different sets of data (Wanga...

Results BERT base allennlp

Malicious language detection Results dump

2019-10-22 00:15:51,049 - INFO - allennlp.models.archival - archiving weights and vocabulary to /...

April 20-2019

Malicious language detection Meeting notes

LDA in sklearn running over words only (unigrams). Cutoff of 3 2 topics pick number of top word...

March 22-2019

Malicious language detection Meeting notes

absolute 2 way ig is not working well. The negative class always has higher absolute values. Sho...

Repo cleanup notes


The BertRegressor model is now called "general_regressor" Doesn't seem that transition away from...